Shabbyblogs - Ridiculously Fabulous

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Crazy Train to Mommy Town

I'm a little thrown off by the craziness that goes on in Mommy World.  Now don't get me wrong, I completely realize that I could possibly join that Crazy Train at any minute!  But right now, I'm just taking it all in.  I mean, you should read some of these message boards!!  These broads FREAK over the slightest things!!  "I woke up this morning on my back and now I'm freaking out!!"  Oh gosh...I'd call the Dr. immediately to make sure everything is ok (sarcastic voice).  I mean really people...calm down!  I hate to make light of such a serious issue.  I mean, you obviously should take better care of your body while pregnant than you would when you're not...afterall, you have someone else to think about.  But all this stress is unnecessary and most of all UNHEALTHY!

These women are also soooooo passionate about their opinions!  Which I admire, until you become intolerant to others' opinions and ideas.  Can you imagine the responses I get from some women when I tell them that I do not plan to breastfeed?!?!?  The horror!!!  You would think that I just told them that from the moment the child comes out it will be responsible for gathering and hunting her own food.  Geez, I'm going to feed her...and I'm going to make sure she has the nutrients she needs but I'm going to do it in a way that is comfortable to me!  Agree to disagree...what's wrong with that?

And you think that's bad...what about when you tell people you want drugs while in labor!  To these people you might as well stick a dirty syringe in the baby's arm as soon as they come out.  They're apparently going to come out drugged out of their minds with 2 heads!!  PLEASE people...I respect your decisions and your opinions.  In fact, I even admire them!  I think the more natural you can be for you and your baby the better.  But it's not for everyone!

Again, I want to say that I am not making light of a Woman's Intuition to care for her baby and to make sure that she is doing what is best for the baby while it is growing inside her but please, please try to be respectful of other's ideas of healthiness as well!  I think at the end of the day your body is such a complex and AMAZING being that is able to care for a child...I think if you listen to your body and what it is trying to tell you that it will ultimately tell you what is best for you and your baby both!

Disclaimer: I respect people who choose to breastfeed and go through a natural childbirth...they just aren't for me.  And my sarcastic humor at the situations above are only my response to certain situations I have encountered.  I sincerely hope no one takes offense.

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